“Slow parenting ” A concept you can fast-forward into your busy lifestyle!

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As a family health and parenting advocate– I’d like to introduce you to one of my favorite phrases… 

“Slow Parenting”

“Slow parenting“– a trend that emerged back in 2009– when my kids where in middle-school and high-school. The phrase took objective at multitasking parents who were scheduling dance classes on the cell phones while dropping the kids off at soccer– or those driving endlessly from activity to activity while serving mealtimes in the car. Instead, I chose to use the slow parenting concept and discover the essential activities. I chose to concentrate on the few… instead of the many. I committed to share slow time as a family – much more quality time– and less quantity. That was the year I grew up as a parent. What took me so long? I finally had enough and presented my family with an agreement to slow down. To commit to us. To meet at the dinner table for family mealtimes, minimum three days a week.

Six years later, we still have mealtimes together- at least 5 days a week. My children are in college and working full time so, dinner is now at 8:30 pm– which, was bedtime. I am very grateful for my deep-rooted connection with my children. I owe some of it to our family meal-times! 

According to CASA – The National center on addiction and substance Abuse, at Columbia university reports studies have shown that kids who eat with their families frequently are less likely to get depressed, consider suicide, and develop an eating disorder and use drugs.

They are also much more likely to delay sex and they report that their parents are happy of them. When a child is feeling down or depressed, family dinner can act as an intervention. around the dinner table we would each take a moment to express what was the best and the worse thing that happened to each of us during the course of the day. in some cases I’d only be able to squeeze out just the worse of the best. Of course, it does depend on the day, and the child communicating. These two questions provoke conversations you would never expect– and sometime, you might not want to hear, but need to. This is the slow parenting opportunity– the time to seize– to connect with your child. give support, and offer feedback or… numerous times, and opportunity to just listen. 

My idea, credited to author– Carl Honore whose book, “The Power of Slow” served as the impetus of the slow parenting movement. slow parents keep the family schedule under control so that everyone has enough downtime to rest, reflect and just hang out together. Honore says:

“Slow parents understand that child-rearing ought to not be a cross between a competitive sport and product-development. It is not a project… it’s a journey.”

I believe everyone needs to just get back around the kitchen table and break bread together. No phones. No television running. just you and the kids- eating and talking. breaking bread with my kids at the family table has deeply rooted me to conversations about what was really happening in my children‘s lives. I learning things, as a parent I needed to know. I honestly, I really believe I would have not gathered any of that intel elsewhere. 

Here it is 2016 . Back to school is approaching fast. This year, make it a point to designate a day or two each week to prepare and break bread together. allow the kids to be a part of the meal time cooking journey too. When you’re in the kitchen with your child, how typically do you find yourself pouring the flour, disposing the spice, washing the bowl… and before you know it, the child has only had a chance to watch, let them stir. It’s only natural for us as parents to drive these skill sets, as they were driven for us. slow that down too.

Here are lists of items that can help you get started this started to allowing your kids to help you work in the kitchen– remember it’s the process, not the outcome. As adults we view the world differently- in the kitchen, we all will have to address a child’s natural interest in the variety of shinny small wares we have in the drawer. because we use peelers, mashers, and cutters in our home kitchens on a regular basis, young children will naturally be curious about them. parents and caregivers look at that overstuffed utensil drawer as something that fulfills a purely functional purpose. but what does a child see? through the eyes of a child, that over stuffed drawer looks like a toy box full of fun gadgets and this can be dangerous.

Zatiaľ čo pomalé rodičovstvo v kuchyni znamená, že sa dieťa zapojí do prípravy na rodinné jedlo; Neznamená to, že ich necháte bez dozoru s horúcimi alebo ostrými kuchynskými materiálmi.

Vzhľadom na najlepšie vybavenie a príležitosť na jeho správne používanie bude vaše dieťa schopné spravovať šupky, spájať nože a iné kuchynské vybavenie s nečakanou obratnosťou a dôverou. Kuchynské náradie môžu byť tiež škodlivé pre malé ruky – tiež pre tweens a dospievajúcich. Pri rozhodovaní, majte na pamäti, že každé dieťa je iné. Mali by ste sa rozhodnúť na základe schopnosti dieťaťa zamerať sa, ich túžbu učiť sa a ich obratnosť. Deti by mali byť vždy pod dohľadom v kuchyni, ale umožňujú im vykonávať úlohy, pokiaľ neuvidíte nebezpečenstvo dopredu.

Súvisiace aké sú vaše hodnoty a presvedčenia?

Deti mladší ako 7 rokov by mali byť udelené úlohy merania, pridania prísad, miešania, miestneho hnevu alebo iného miešania ručne. Môžu tiež formovať cesto, šíriť veci, kaše, kúsky alebo slzné bylinky a šaláty. Trhznutie hrášku a strukoviny je dobrá vec. Nakupovanie, ochutnávka testu a zapojte všetkých do čistenia. Deti 7 až 9 sa môžu vysporiadať s olupujúcimi úlohami. Najprv sprevádzajte malú ruku vlastnou rukou. Čím oveľa viac počujú: „Vždy sa od vás odlupujte, nie smerom k vám,“ tým lepšie. Nechajte ich odlupovať cez papierovú utierku, aby ste sa ľahko vyčistili.

Deti vo veku 11 a viac rokov sú zvyčajne pripravené začať používať nôž. Zatiaľ čo olúpanie zeleniny s dĺžkou ako mrkva – pomáhajte si udržať ruky a šupku ešte viac a ešte viac od seba. Začnite s touto vekovou skupinou so zeleninou, ktorá ponúka trochu menšieho odporu, a sú jednoduchšie rezať, ako sú cukety a uhorky.

Nechajte svoje deti zapájať varenie v rodinnom jedle
Deti 13 a staršie môžu používať väčšie nože a riešiť oveľa náročnejšie rezy. Aj keď tieto deti vykazujú oveľa väčšiu obratnosť – sledujte ich. Tento vek zvyčajne vytvára dôveru, ktorá spôsobí zvýšenú rýchlosť. Vylepšená rýchlosť môže spôsobiť rezy. Jemný ukazovateľ na spomalenie je zvyčajne najlepší spôsob, ako udržať niekoho na najlepšej ceste. Uistite sa, že všetky vaše nože sú ostré. Ak (a dúfajme, že nie) sa niekto zníži- je lepšie aplikovať prvého asistenta na rez z ostrého noža- než aby upratoval strih od nesharpenovaného.

Čokoľvek sa rozhodnete urobiť-len si pamätáte … je v poriadku nezúčastniť sa každej funkcie, zúčastňovať sa každej aktivity … a je v poriadku povedať: „Nie … už sme rezervovaní.“ Vy a ja budeme vedieť- ste rezervovaní pre najdôležitejšiu dobu dňa. Rodinné jedlo!

Súvisiace zdravotné prínosy uhoriek

Spending slow parenting time in the kitchen will be a gratifying experience for your whole family!

Chef Gigi

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